# Empathise
# 5 Whys
- Purpose
- Achieve a common basic understanding of the situation
- Time required
- 20 to 60 minutes
- Participants
- Design Thinking team
- Level of experience
- Beginner

# What is it about?
The 5 Why method is a simple interview technique in which you ask for the background of the problem. Often the apparent cause of a problem is not the real cause, but just another symptom in the same chain of problems. The interviewee should be asked several times about the "why" until one arrives at the so-called pain point.
# The goal
The aim of the method is to raise awareness of a specific problem or situation. The aim is to achieve a holistic understanding of why processes do not achieve the desired results and where changes need to be made.
# How to do it?
- Formulate the problem to be questioned in one sentence on the whiteboard.
- Answer the question about the 'why' together in the team.
- Write the answer in a complete sentence.
- Convert the previous answer into the next 'why' question.
- Repeat five times or until you have reached the cause of the problem.
# When do you need it?
For the use of this method, the problem must already be known. Therefore, interviews should have already taken place.
# Resources
- Whiteboard or flipchart
# Advantages
This method is one of the easiest tools to understand problems in depth and to discover the real cause or need behind the problem.
# Disadvantages
There is a risk of one-dimensional investigation of the cause. The repeated question can also result in an uncomfortable or even philosophical conversation.
# Keep in mind
It should be noted that this method will only reveal answers and facts that are already known to the respondents. It is also important to ask the right questions and follow the right track.
# See also
Previous methods | Alternative methods | Following methods |
# Sources
- DT08: Die 5 Warum-Methode (German) (opens new window) Podcast von Ingrid Gerstbach.
- Uebernickel, Brenner et al: Design Thinking: Das Handbuch (German) (opens new window) Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch. ISBN: 3956010655.
- Lewrick: Das Design Thinking Toolbook: Die besten Werkzeuge & Methoden (German) (opens new window) Vahlen. ISBN: 3800657511.
6 W Method →