# Prototype
# Darkhorse prototype
- Purpose
- Go for the craziest idea with the highest profit potential
- Time required
- From 1 hour to 1 day
- Participants
- Design Thinking team
- Level of experience
- experienced

# What is it about?
Dark Horse prototypes are about consciously implementing daring, different and crazy ideas. Experience has shown that the most reasonable ideas are also those that are very close to existing solutions. On the other hand, polarizing approaches usually have the greatest potential impact. The name Dark Horse is derived from horse racing, in which the "black horse" has the lowest chances of winning, but at the same time would make the biggest profit.
# The goal
This method should help to try out new and unknown ways over self-defined borders and accustomed practices. This can lead to new business models and radical innovations.
# How to do it?
- Select in the team the most interesting, challenging and stimulating ideas that have emerged from your idea generation methods.
- Build a simple, physical prototype of the selected idea.
- Analyse and discuss the strengths, weaknesses and potential of the idea in the team.
- Discuss and find further ideas to further develop the Dark Horse prototype and produce a suitable solution for the intended goal.
# When do you need it?
This method is recommended if the current situation should be fundamentally questioned and radical innovations are desired. Dark Horse prototypes are, according to their open character, especially suitable in the divergent phase of the development and prototyping of ideas.
# Resources
- Material for prototype construction
# Advantages
By trying unusual ways with this method, even more can be learned about the user through unusual experiments.
# Disadvantages
Not every dark horse will ultimately represent a suitable and working solution.
# Keep in mind
Especially in organisations that are conservative or hierarchical, it is difficult to apply this method successfully. In such cases the approach can be considered ridiculous or team members do not dare to take unconventional paths.
# See also
Previous methods | Alternative methods | Following methods |
# Sources
- Curedale: Design Thinking: process and methods manual (opens new window) Design Community College Inc. ISBN: 9780988236240.
- Lewrick: Das Design Thinking Toolbook: Die besten Werkzeuge & Methoden (German) (opens new window) Vahlen. ISBN: 3800657511.