# Ideate

# Idea funnel

Evaluate and select ideas
Time required
10 to 40 minutes
Design Thinking team
Level of experience

# What is it about?

Using the metaphor of a funnel, ideas that have already been collected are selected and prioritized on the basis of self-chosen criteria.

# The goal

Sorting/prioritizing ideas according to defined criteria.

# How to do it?

  1. Draw a large funnel on a metaplan wall or flipchart.
  2. Collect criteria that an idea must fulfil in order to be pursued as a prototype.
  3. Decide on an order for the criteria and write them on the funnel from top to bottom
  4. Let the ideas β€˜run through the funnel’ one by one and check each idea against the criteria.

# When do you need it?

In selecting the best ideas for the transition to the convergent phase and prototyping.

# Resources

  • sticky notes and pens
  • alternative: digital whiteboard

# Advantages

The idea funnel is an effective and efficient method for evaluating and prioritizing ideas. The structured approach enables a focussed discussion. In addition, the selection of ideas is comprehensible and transparent.

# Disadvantages

The selection of criteria plays a crucial role. These are subjective criteria that may filter out very innovative solutions.

# Keep in mind

The funnel is used to check ideas against criteria and reveal shortcomings. Allow discussions and discover potential for improvement or possible combinations.

# See also

Previous methods Alternative methods Following methods

# Sources